10 Great Reasons to Be Creative

Right now, the internet is abuzz with loads of frustration, aggravation, and plain ol’ fear. Uncertainty can be a scary thing and while we all are probably dealing with differing levels of stress about the world today, let me encourage you to step back and look for whatever joy you can find in your situation.

Personally, being creative refreshes me and acts like a little oasis from the stress of everyday life. I need that more than ever lately and I think it may prove helpful to others as well.

Here are ten reasons that being creative is a great reprieve in a crazy world.

  1. Being creative allows us to slow down and concentrate more completely on each single task. Studies have been done on knitting that show that when you slow down and just stitch, our minds relax and rejuvenate from daily irritations. While we multi-task much of the time, the repetitive nature of creative pursuits allows a singular focus for a time.
  2. Creative pursuits help to relieve stress by providing a change of pace. Taking even a few moments in a day to do something we want to do, rather then feeling obligated, can help us to better handle stress.
  3. Creativity begets creativity! The more you exercise your creativity, the more creative you will become, the more you will be able to imagine different options in your projects, and the more we will enjoy the creative process as much as the end results.
  4. Creating helps to exercise decision making skills. What colors will we use? What kind of design would we like to try? Will we alter the plan we are following? Even if caught between two or more options, just picking one at random will usually give amazing, if surprising, results.
  5. Crafting can be a fun, social experience! Crafting with others can allow for great sharing of ideas and techniques and allow our creativity to expand with options we not have considered earlier. Crafting with kids is fun and helps them follow simple instructions, practice fine and gross motor skills, and enjoy the results of their efforts! TIP: social crafting can include video and live classes offered online. Don’t let social distancing keep you from having fun!
  6. Exploring a new craft or skill helps your brain stay strong and resourceful! As we continue learning and trying new things, we keep our brains young and healthy.
  7. Creativity helps with self expression. We use our favorite colors, techniques, and ideas to help express a part of who we are. This can be really helpful for people under stress (and isn’t that all of us?) or who are struggling with self-acceptance.
  8. Creativity brings about feelings of accomplishment and pride. It’s great to love the journey, but the tangible reminders of a great crafting session can bring back great feelings, too! So display your projects and share them online. They don’t have to be perfect, but they are perfectly creative!
  9. Creativity fosters feelings of freedom. There is no right or wrong way to be creative. We can all use the same supplies and yet fashion vastly different projects, all gorgeous in their own right!
  10. Being creative helps us grow in all areas of our lives! All of these great benefits from creativity will seep into all of the other areas of our lives and help promote personal growth.

How are YOU exercising your creativity these days?

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