Strawberry Moon

I don’t remember exactly when I learned that all of the monthly full moons had been named. A few years back, we attended and my kiddo participated in a Special Olympics Equestrian event that was held on a full moon in October. During this 3 day weekend, some pretty wicked storms blew through.

The horses were not digging it at all and several behaved in ways that weren’t typical. A trainer announced in earshot something to the effect of, “they scheduled this in the middle of the Blood Moon, what did they think would happen.”

Blood Moon sounds pretty ominous, doesn’t it? Now I don’t know why or how October’s full moon came to be known as the Blood Moon, but I suspect a creepy story in there somewhere.

But June’s full moon is the Strawberry Moon (that sounds so much nicer to my ear) and last night it didn’t disappoint one bit. Driving home from errands, hubby and I went around a curve and saw a huge, low moon that was honestly almost an orange/coral color. It was absolutely showstopping! We tried to take some photos but none did justice to that gorgeous color.

After we unloaded the van, I took my Dad up the road to get a better view. It was still a orangey-amber color and lovely but not as dark and vibrant as it had been just 5 minutes before.

I hope you got to enjoy seeing the Strawberry Moon where you are. Since we didn’t get any good photos that showed the color, I snagged one that was shared under a Creative Commons attribution to pair with this post. This is the closest photo I could find to what we saw.

When the kids were little, we would see the moon and recite,

I see the moon and the moon sees me./God bless the moon and God bless me.

Did anyone else recite this rhyme with their kiddos?

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